(781) 333-6284 | Easton, Massachusetts
BIG THANK YOU to Isabelle Alphonse of Oliver Ames High School for heading up a very successful drive through Project 351 at Richardson Olmsted School providing 84 lbs of food for families in need in our community. You truly are a shining star.
Thomas and Ivy worked very hard and raised $50 with a lemonade stand to help those in need in Easton. We hope you enjoyed your well-deserved ice cream treats. Great job kids!
Friends Sam, Aaron, and Cole got together and decided to hold a lemonade stand to raise money for charity. Sam’s brother Corey and Cole’s brother Kevin both joined in to help. Originally the boys were focused on helping as many charities as they could, but decided putting all the money to one cause could go farther in helping those in need so they decided to support the Easton Food Pantry. They split up the work, made signs, and spent all day jumping up and down flagging down cars and telling folks about their cause. We are so grateful for their hard work and support!
Top: Aaron Fass, Kevin Aronstein, Sam Yifru
Bottom: Cole Aronstein, Corey Yifru
Aaron's mom, Ally Fass, looks on in back
Big shoutout to Sean Flynn Landscape Services for supporting us with some beautiful work around our sign on Foundry Street. You guys are the best!
Big shout out to Paul Gaughan and his team at Roche Bros. Easton for donated 130 hams and to St. Vincent de Paul from Immaculate Conception Church for providing all the fixings to over 120 families so they may enjoy an Easter dinner this year. What an amazing community we have. So blessed.
Bob Keach and his son Rob built shelves at our new location.
Thanks so much to Envision Bank for their presentation on 11/17/21 of $1,000 to the Easton Food Pantry! From left to right: Jennifer Haynes and Eliza Wood of Envision Bank, then Ken Wood, President of the Easton Food Pantry.📷
Thanks so much to Hadley, Samantha and John for their hard work in supporting the Easton Food Pantry! 📷
Thanks to the Chestnut Knoll neighborhood food drive participants! Lisa deVos and her daughter Taylor after delivering the food and other goods to the Pantry. Thanks!
Due to high wind chill, our food distribution scheduled for Monday, February 17 is cancelled. We’ll resume on Monday, February 24. Stay safe, everyone!